Vincent Watson
Born 1969, Sydney
Bachelor of Visual Arts
Graduation show: 1995
Graduation ceremony: 1996
Artwork in Space YZ
Dialect Mind, 1995
Single channel video (VHS)
6:35 mins
Dialect Mind (video still), 1995
Dialect Mind poster, 1995
Guided by Peter Charuk with tech support in photography from Paul Handley - I have great respect for the knowledge they shared, technical resource and assistance in experimentation and arts production.
Peter Charuk ‘editing’ me with Paul Handley,
grad show, 1995
Having had the support of so many lecturers and tech staff who inspired and guided me through my creative journey at UWS was invaluable.
Without all the influence of these amazing characters I would never have been able to forge my ongoing career in the arts. Since graduating from UWS, I have been fortunate to have been able to work in teaching and technical roles supporting and encouraging future artists. I have worked within the arts arena at Casula Powerhouse Arts Centre, Meadowbank TAFE, Sydney Theatre Company, Bangarra Dance, UNSW Art and Design (when it was called COFA). I am currently working in Photo Media at the National Art School.
My arts practice has continued on through various mediums exhibiting in Australia and abroad. I create individually and in collaboration with Jennifer Leahy as Leahy & Watson, with a shared exploration of image making through photography.
Without the guidance, support and opportunities at UWS I wouldn't be where I am. More importantly, I would never have met Jennifer, my partner and collaborator in art and life.
Polaroid portrait in the editing suite
Looking back, reflecting how much of an influence my time at University of Western Sydney had on my life has been a little confronting as it was a life changing experience.
I loved going to art school at UWS, majoring in photography and video was a fantastic experience. Having access to equipment, photo darkrooms, analogue video editing and early digital imaging.
Video guru Greg Ferris presented a myriad of screen experiences and showed us how to wrangle huge shoulder mount VHS video cameras and set us loose.
Long haul night sessions were spent in the analogue video edit suite - learning the skills, techniques and special low-fi effects (on the Fairlight) in video editing.
Being on the cusp of change from analogue to digital helped give me the perspective to explore and grow my skills in both analogue and digital formats.
Leahy and Watson on the Grad Show red carpet,
Space YZ, 1995
Early digital self-portrait