Sandra Daley
Born 1944
Bachelor of Arts, Visual Arts
Graduation show: 1988
Graduation ceremony: 1989
Artwork in Space YZ
Burning Log, 1987
Oil on canvas
152 x 122 cm
Untitled, 1987, oil on canvas, 120 x 160 cm
The painting titled Burning Log was painted in oils on canvas. I began without any drawings or any intentions of what the painting was going to look like. Mostly just putting the paint on and letting the painting take over. The painting turned out to be quite dark and mysterious as though you are looking through the work to something that is as yet unexplained.
Sandra’s studio space at Peachtree Studios, 1988
Untitled, 1988, oil on canvas, 122 x 183 cm
Untitled, 1988, oil on canvas, 122 x 183 cm
Untitled, 1988, oil on canvas, 122 x 183 cm
After finishing the Art Certificate Course at Meadowbank TAFE as a mature age student, I decided that I would continue with my art career and enrolled in the Bachelor of Arts, Visual Arts degree. Studying at Nepean College of Advanced Education (which later transitioned to the University of Western Sydney) was a completely different experience. It challenged you to look at your art in totally different ways and to be open to experimenting and questioning everything that you were doing. Being a mature age student had its own problems at times; questioning whether you should be there or even had the talent to be there, while at other times on a high when everything was going well with the determination to finish the course. My time at Nepean College of Advanced Education working across all areas in a studio as an artist with other artists was one of the best times of my life.
My final year at university was spent exploring the concept of identity using tribal masks and symbols. Although our lives today are very different and we don’t use masks as such, we are still seeking for something more. I have included a couple of photos here.
I am currently working on lots of drawings and paintings, experimenting and exploring. Making marks intuitively, experimenting with all kinds of tools - acrylic paint, watercolours, collage. Not having any intentions or thoughts, allowing the painting to come.
Untitled, 1988, oil on canvas, 120 x 160 cm