Rosemary Jackson
Born 1947, Cheltenham, UK
Bachelor of Arts, Visual Arts
Graduation show: 1986
Graduation ceremony: 1987
Artwork in Space YZ
Reflections, 1986
Oil on canvas
124 x 93.5 cm
Reflections, 1986
This painting formed one of the pieces from my graduated show held at the UWS Kingswood campus. The work endeavoured to capture the fleeting moment of light in the form of reflections on water, asking is it real or is it an illusion.
Reflections 5, 1986, 230 x 115 cm, oil and encaustic. This large panel of five oil and encaustic canvases was also part of my graduation show.
Peachtree Studios (the ‘Factory’), 1986.
I was one of the first intake of students at Kingswood in the new Visual Arts Degree course, having completed the two-year TAFE certificate. As a mature-age student I found it a totally new way of working, based on conceptual thinking - this was so exciting.
As one of the students who used the ‘Factory’ of Peachtree Studios we were fortunate to have our own space, which allowed us to place our work and to experiment and develop our art practice in this great setting.
The interaction with the other students and lecturers was paramount and so stimulating and supportive. I still have friends from this very special and memorable time in my life.
Since graduation I have taught art in an adult education context as part of the Community College system and I am also continuing to develop my art practice.
L-R: My friends Kathy Arundell, Edna Brimbecom and Shirley Smith at the ‘Factory’, 1986.