Robin Hungerford
Born 1982, Sydney
Bachelor of Arts, Fine Arts
Graduation show: 2004
Graduation ceremony: 2005
Artwork in Space YZ
Mice, 2004
Single channel video with sound
20:12 mins
Mice, 2004, digital video, 20:12 mins
This work was one of my first experiments with a Mini DV video camera which, at the time, was an upgrade to the Super VHS camera I would borrow from the AV department. The ability to make videos was like a form of sorcery to me at the time and remains so (although perhaps harder to discern for its ubiquity). Filmed in my parents garage in an empty fish tank with bits of foam core and balsa wood I was excited to see what the results would be since coming up with this idea which was part whim and part environmental influence from the local material sourcing opportunities; IKEA, Spotlight and my favourite pet shop, The Reptile Barn. I made a number of variations of these. At the time I was conceiving of this series in terms of providing a metaphorical vehicle for an anxiety riddled consumer culture reducing the fear of death (and domestic confinement) through interior decorating. Pretty edgy huh? Perhaps more than this though I was driven by this kinetic curiosity and desire to experiment in this somewhat unpredictable animated space no doubt fuelled by the unique circumstances and educators encountered in Z block. I have recently revisited this work below.
Mice 3, 2004, installation view with mice, video cameras, scale models, dimensions variable
Mental Industrial Complex, 2020, digital video, 30 mins
Mice 3, 2004, digital video, 30 mins
Mice 2, 2004, digital video, 30 mins
DVD submissions from Robin’s time as a student at UWS