Raquel Ormella
Born 1969, Kuranulla/Cronulla
Bachelor of Visual Arts (Hons)
Graduation show: 1994, 1995 (Hons)
Graduation ceremony: 1997
Artworks in Space YZ
Betroffenheit, 1998
Calico, gaberdine, wood, acrylic potato print
242 x 216 cm
Collection: Liverpool City Council, purchased 1998. Courtesy of Casula Powerhouse Arts Centre.
Where to from here?, 1998
Calico, garberdine, wood, acrylic potato print
242 x 216 cm
Collection: Liverpool City Council, purchased 1998. Courtesy of Casula Powerhouse Arts Centre.
Betroffenheit, 1998 and Where to from here?, 1998. Install view at Space YZ, Campbelltown Arts Centre, 2021. Photo: Lucy Parakhina
What do you want from me? (groschen, pfennige, cents), Mori Gallery, Sydney, 1998
What do you want from me? (groschen, pfennige, cents), room sheet, 1998
What do you want from me? (groschen, pfennige, cents), 1998, Mori Gallery, Sydney
Review of What do you want from me? (groschen, pfennige, cents), Sydney Morning Herald, 1998
Jules Gull by her bath tub garden outside the wood workshop, 1993