Geraldine Mills
Born 1974, New Zealand
Bachelor of Arts, Visual Arts
Graduation show: 1995
Graduation ceremony: 1996
Artwork in Space YZ
6 months in the life of, 1994
Acrylic, shellac, human hair, fishing line, tissue paper, wax on canvas
26 pieces, 15 x 15 cm each
6 months in the life of, 1994
6 months in the life of was completed in my second year at uni. This work was a significant piece for me as it cemented the concepts I had been working on. These concepts predominantly focused around memory. What is real and what is imagined? This particular body of work represents a time of change, hurt and healing and explores an exploration into colour mixing and production along with collaboration with materials. Represented is a small section of the overall piece which contained 96 pieces in total.
Duane Critcher, Geraldine Mills, Ben Alfred, Justin, Karen, Joanna and Samantha at Swamp Bar, Kingswood, 1993
Duane Critcher and Geraldine Mills with Duane’s work for the Someone Might Notice a Puff of Smoke exhibition, outside Z block, 1993
Round and Round the Roundabout, 1993, 1000 miniature plastic horses, gold paint, glitter paint, embroidery thread and candles
My time at UWS was such an important time in realising the importance of art in my life. I think if you asked any of the students that attended this wonderful art school the answers would be the same. Being away from the distractions of the city and only having the resources of each other and space we created some exceptional things. I also remember the passion and commitment of the teaching staff who truly nurtured our creative journey. The first year at uni changed my thinking in ways I didn’t think were possible. I felt like I had found my tribe at last. By far the happiest three years of my life.
A collection of exhibition invitations from 1994-1996