Di Holdsworth
Born 1960, Penrith
Bachelor of Arts, Visual Arts
Graduation show: 1988
Graduation ceremony: 1989
Artworks in Space YZ
Untitled, 1987
Mixed media on paper
75 x 55 cm
Untitled, 1987
Pastel on paper
28 x 40 cm
Untitled, 1987
Charcoal and pastel on paper
31 x 46 cm
Untitled, 1987
Charcoal and pastel on paper
31 x 46 cm
The drawings that I have included in Space YZ were made when I was in the second year of my degree at Nepean College of Advanced Education, now Western Sydney University. They are part of a series of drawings based on the elusive nature of childhood memories.
Untitled, 1987, mixed media on paper, 75 x 55 cm
Untitled, 1987, pastel on paper, 28 x 40 cm
Untitled, 1987, charcoal and pastel on paper, 31 x 46 cm
Untitled, 1987, charcoal and pastel on paper, 31 x 46 cm
I feel fortunate to have been a student at Nepean from 1986 to 1988, where the emphasis from the beginning of the degree was on experimentation and the development of works from concept through to visual form. This conceptual foundation continued and was nurtured by lecturers in drawing and studio electives throughout the degree.
The conceptual and experimental nature of creating work has continued throughout my art practice of thirty years. My current work is in the medium of mechanical assemblage and is based on layered narratives of human relationships and mythology. I find, cut-up, and reconstruct found, figure-based objects and automate them with clockwork mechanics. I experiment with the mechanical mechanisms to simulate human movement and utilise the awkward clockwork interaction of the figures to augment the narrative.
Learn more about Di Holdsworth by visiting her website and Instagram.
The Devil’s in the Detail, 2017, kinetic music box assemblage, 22 x 12 x 9 cm
Beauty and the Beast Tango, 2014, mechanical assemblage, 23 x 15 x 13 cm