Anastasia Zaravinos AKA Adonis
Born 1986, Westmead
Bachelor of Fine Arts
Graduation show: 2007
Artwork in Space YZ
Numb, 2007
Single channel video with sound
7:44 mins
Numb, 2007 (still)
Numb is the work of desperation, the work of suffocation.
Of divine intervention
It is desire
It is ritual
It is grotesque
The original artist statement:
“I hurt myself today, to see if I still feel”
- Hurt, original lyrics Trent Reznor
The last resort... The actions experienced by my mind and body are desperate measures; an attempt to achieve a state of being someone my physical body cannot be. Short bouts of insanity take over and gender does not exist anymore. Influenced by Johnny Cash’s interpretation of the song Hurt, my video installation pushes my mind and my body as far as I possibly can: abjection and body mutilation, feeling pain and appreciating every single moment of it.
Numb, 2007 (still)
Numb at MOP Projects, 2007
Photo: Anna Peters
At the opening of Numb at MOP with Sari Kivinen’s persona Starella. Photo: Anna Peters
At the opening of Numb at MOP Projects, 2007
Photo: Anna Peters
Confessional, 2006 (still)
Confessional, 2006 (still)
Nothing in my life has changed me like my time at art school at UWS.
We were free, we were freaks.
I met my idols. they taught me, collaborated with me and nourished me.
I can’t even begin to explain how important that was for me and us all that had the opportunity to experience it.
I was dark, earnest and raw. But actually was just young and uninhibited.
I had so much fuck you energy and I used my body and a to try to work it all out. 🖕
I’m still working it out.
Piss Cum Blood, 2006 (still)
Glamour TV, 2007 (still)
GP vs The Motel Sisters, 2007
Graduation exhibition performance
Christina Superstar from Glamour TV, 2007
Rumpelstiltskin, 2007
From a photographic series for Slit Magazine